Huna Totem Corp. is a step closer to the Aak’w Landing private cruise ship dock it hopes to open by 2027, with Juneau Assembly members agreeing Monday night to consider a proposed tidelands lease for the project at its next meeting April 7.
The unanimous approval came at the end of a multihour Committee of the Whole meeting where about a dozen proposed amendments were considered. Among the amendments that passed were limiting ship sizes to those with room for 4,400 “lower berth” passengers and Huna Totem getting written assurance from the U.S. Coast Guard that the private dock will not interfere with the Coast Guard’s plans to homeport an icebreaker at an adjacent site.
The latter amendment, introduced by Deputy Mayor Greg Smith, states “Huna Totem can start work with the understanding any work undertaken is at their own risk.” Russell Dick, the company’s president and CEO, said after the meeting Coast Guard officials have generally expressed support for the project, but don’t have an official commitment of support.
The ship size limit was introduced by Mayor Beth Weldon, who initially proposed a 4,050-passenger limit, but increased it after a conversation with an industry representative about the largest ships currently visiting Juneau. She said her primary intent was to deter the largest new megaships that have room for more than 7,000 passengers.
The amendments were to a proposed ordinance that would authorize city officials to enter negotiations with Huna Totem for a tidelands lease of more than 50 submerged acres for the proposed Aak’w Landing project. The Assembly members also approved a resolution supporting the City and Borough of Juneau’s application to acquire about eight acres of tideland from the state in furtherance of the Aak’w Landing project.
Public comment, as well as possible additional Assembly amendments, will be part of the full Assembly’s consideration of the proposed ordinance.
The proposed Aak’w Landing would add a fifth cruise ship dock to downtown Juneau in the empty lot currently known as the “subport” near Egan Drive and Whittier Street, thus providing a spot for each of the five cruise ships allowed per day in the city under a voluntary agreement with the industry that took effect last year. The dock has been in the proposal stage since 2020.
Supporters say the $150 million facility would divert some cruise activity away from the crowded main downtown dock, offer a range of cultural and science exhibition spaces in addition to retail facilities, and result in infrastructure upgrades in the area. Huna Totem also announced on Friday it has formed a partnership with AJT Mining Properties Inc. that “will remove an aging (AJT) dock, improve public access, add shore power to cut emissions and feature totem poles honoring Tlingit culture” by 2027.
Opponents have expressed concerns about the impacts on the flow of marine and floatplane traffic in Gastineau Channel, vehicle traffic on Egan Drive where the dock facility intersects with the main thoroughfare, and whether it might disrupt the U.S. Coast Guard’s plans to homeport an icebreaker at its facility adjacent to the Huna Totem site.
A survey of Juneau residents about tourism released Feb. 11 found 38% of respondents supportive or very supportive of the Huna Totem project, compared to 28% opposed to some degree, and 29% who said they need more information.
• Contact Mark Sabbatini at or (907) 957-2306.