Juneau photographer Richard Hebhardt for the second time has received recognition from Nature’s Best Photography, a well-known and well-regarded magazine for wildlife photography. Hebhardt is one of 121 photographers to receive a Windland Smith Rice International Award. He was “highly honored” for the image in the category of “African Wildlife.” His work will be displayed at the Smithsonian Natural History Museum in Washington, D.C. this month through the majority of 2018.
“The image, taken of a male elephant and gathering of zebras at sunset in the Kalahari Desert of Botswana, will help showcase the efforts of the African Wildlife Foundation (a Nature’s Best sponsor) to bring added attention to the continent’s threatened wildlife, due to poaching and habitat loss,” he wrote in a Facebook post about the selection.
To see all of the stunning images, go to https://www.naturesbestphotography.com/.
To see more of Hebhardt’s photography, including more photos from the Kalahari Desert, go to http://richardhebhardtphotography.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/richardhebhardtphotography/.
To read a story about Hebhardt’s previous award-winning photo, go to http://juneauempire.com/outdoors/2014-12-12/theres-something-about-juneau
Hebhardt’s image was selected from more than 26,000 images submitted from photographers hailing from 59 countries.