ANCHORAGE — The Matanuska-Susitna Borough has taken action to address arsenic levels in the Talkeetna water system that violated federal drinking water standards.
Arsenic occurs naturally and can be picked up by groundwater. The permit for the Talkeetna system allows no more than 10 micrograms of per liter.
Tests in December detected 14.8 micrograms per liter. The borough installed a pump to add a chemical to the water to remove arsenic but tests in January found 13 micrograms per liter.
The pump was rebuilt and recalibrated Jan. 21. New tests show 3 micrograms of arsenic per liter.
Results from additional testing Monday are due back Feb. 1.
A notice of the violation is being sent to water customers. The borough says the arsenic levels were not an immediate health risk.