The victim was seriously injured and taken to the hospital.
The Biden administration said it’s ending large-scale, old-growth timber sales on the Tongass.
This report contains public information from law enforcement and public safety agencies.
Public Health: Risk of exposure to the public is low
Adviser: Fundraising “strongly positions” the Alaska Republican for a reelection bid.
Authorities are investigating the cause of a fire that torched the 32-foot vessel.
Mechanical problems mean a day delay.
Juneau Drag returns to live shows with a diverse cast of kings and queens
The objects will be returned to home, to be displayed in a future cultural ceremony.
A third candidate files to run for District 1 position
This report contains public information from law enforcement and public safety agencies.
The current administration says they’re trying to have a better relationship than the previous one.
The best way to enjoy bear country with pups is by keeping them close.
City OKs match for potential electric docks grant
The sights and sounds on the Boy Scout/Crow Point Trail.
This report contains public information from law enforcement and public safety agencies.
Superior Court Judge Gregory Miller did not immediately rule Monday.