I sat under the cover of a massive cedar tree on top of a steep hill hidden from Google Earth satellites, hoping a deer will… Continue reading
It is advantageous for plants to disperse their seeds away from the parent plant. If all the seeds just fell under the parent, the high… Continue reading
This report contains public information available to the Empire from law enforcement and public safety agencies. This report includes arrest and citation information, not conviction… Continue reading
As Alaskans, we know this — salmon are a defining characteristic of our state’s cultures.
At the next Wildlife Wednesday on Nov. 7, naturalists Mary Willson and Kathy Hocker will share images, stories from the field and hands-on skull examples… Continue reading
The candidates’ plans for the Permanent Fund differ sharply.
The turnout and amount of donations increased this year.
A new conflict-of-interest law covers discussions behind closed doors, not just public debate.
Children trick-or-treating at downtown Juneau businesses for Halloween. It is the fourth year Kindred Post has organized the Halloween celebration for trick-or-treaters. Seventy-one merchants were… Continue reading
This report contains public information available to the Empire from law enforcement and public safety agencies. This report includes arrest and citation information, not conviction… Continue reading
JAHC: Cammie May, “Waterworks,” Juneau Arts & Culture Center, 350 Whittier St, 4:30-7 p.m. Exhibit up through the month. Prince of Wales Artist Cammie May.… Continue reading
Alaska likely has tens of thousands of extra people on its voting rolls.
New study proves something Alaskans always knew.
This is the first of three articles the Empire looking at Ballot Measure 1’s legal language.
Some ravens added atmosphere, but sunny weather abated the grimness of the Capital City Killers tour led by Ed Schoenfeldand Betsy Longenbaugh.
November is Native American and Alaska Native Month, and there’s no shortage of local events commemorating it. Sealaska Heritage Institute, libraries, museums and more are… Continue reading
Juneau Jambusters say anyone of any skill level is welcome to the weekly ukulele jam. Even if the last time someone picked up an instrument… Continue reading
How your vote could affect permitting for major construction.
The electoral fight over Ballot Measure 1 is the most expensive state-level campaign in Alaska history, according to new filings from the Alaska Public Offices… Continue reading