On Oct. 10, 1986, the Marine View Apartment building downtown was officially sold to a Seattle developer hoping to renovate the building into an office, low-income apartments and retail space. The $3.7 million bid was paid off during the week, finalizing the developer’s agreement with the Alaska State Housing Authority.
Meanwhile, upon his return from a business trip to Anchorage, Mayor Ernie Polley again affirmed his belief that the the informal, unpublicized meeting he held with six other Assembly members in his home to discuss non-municipal business was legal. Before this, at a City and Borough of Juneau Assembly meeting, four of the Assembly members in attendance at the meeting personally apologized for the event, saying that it may have been illegal. One Assembly member who was notified of the meeting and therefore did not attend suggested a public work session on the Open Meetings Act after the incident.
“This Day in Juneau History” is compiled by Empire freelancer Tasha Elizarde, who sums up the day’s events — 30 years ago — by perusing Empire archives.