Brenda Jane Brown

Brenda Jane Brown

Brenda Jane Brown, formerly of Juneau, died at her home in Maine on June 15, 2016. She was 34 years old.

Originally from Sumner, Iowa, Brown attended the University of Alaska Southeast in the National Student Exchange program and returned to Juneau in 2004 after college graduation to live and work at the Alaska Network for Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault (ANDVSA) downtown. At the time of her death, she was employed at Spruce Run Women’s Care in Bangor, Maine.

She travelled extensively, spanning every continent except Antarctica. In addition to multiple lesser ventures, she achieved her ultimate travel goal of completing a round-the-world trip during which she travelled alone for 18.5 months with only a backpack, living as a local so she could experience the variety of cultures throughout the world.

In keeping with her tireless devotion to helping victims of domestic abuse and sexual assault, the family plans to pool any memorial monies and donate them to a local agency that services victims of these crimes. Donations may be directed to her parents: Dennis and Kay Brown, 1141 Navaho Avenue, Sumner, IA 50674.