For the third time, Juneau is wasting your tax dollars and their time trying to annex more remote land like Funter Bay and Horse and Colt Islands. These properties will be taxed and controlled by the borough and not receive a single service. The borough already gets money from these remote land owners with renting dock space, launch ramps and all the taxes from buying the necessities to travel and live remote. The mayor has stated that he always tries to be a good neighbor but this annexation is far from that when people that have remote cabins or houses do not want to be part of the Juneau borough.
It is time for the people with remote property like Taku and Shelter Island to petition and withdraw from the borough. This tax on remote properties is discriminatory. It is a way for the Juneau borough (Assembly members) to tax minorities who receive no benefits. Juneau used to be a good neighbor with not charging out-of-town people sales tax. That got thrown out, but now there is talk of no tax for tourists in Juneau. Does this make sense? One million tourists using Juneau’s sewer, water, roads and on and on pay no tax, but if you come from Hoonah to buy some groceries, you are taxed!
If annexation of remote properties involved making life better for these people I might be all for it, but so far the borough has done nothing for Taku or Shelter Island. Maybe the borough is thinking of providing electricity, sewer, water, fire protection and a ferry service to remote areas? Just maintaining the docks at Funter and other places will more than eat up any tax money. The reason given to annex lands is to keep other boroughs from getting it. There is no concern for the people, just greed and control.
Phil Emerson
Former 40-year-resident of Funter Bay, currently California