This is completely audacious, those of our electorate who most likely in “a-blind-passionate-rage,” ignited by the Fox “fake news” phenomena, while benefitting more than any other demographic from the Affordable Care Act, and many other Obama social programs, have been coerced to live on the edge of their seat by all the unearned wealth attempting to manipulate reality to fit the fantasy of Murdock, Adelson, the Koch Bros., Going after the Supreme Court, now, they’re ensuring at least the next century of human misery by creating a schizoid reality a la civil dissolution! We cannot allow Big Pharma insider Price to head HHS … nor DeVos to head Education, and Sessions at the Justice Department! For that matter, we must stop any and all these deranged Cabinet picks from distorting the only verity all humanity must adhere to, that’s justice/balance/equilibrium in everything (Plato called it “Moderation”) and “get with the picture” of human-purpose (to seek the Source of all!) by stopping these distortions of private realities … and our/your own limited vision!
John S. Sonin