As the 2016 Alaska Teacher of the Year, I write to urge your support of Univerity of Alaska Southeast as the lead university for the College of Education. In my 28 years teaching in Juneau, hosting numerous practicum and student teachers, I have seen firsthand the high-quality program in place for pre-service teachers at UAS. They have a proven track record of supporting, educating and providing quality Alaskan teachers for rural locations in particular. In a state with a lack of teacher applicants for many positions, it is critical that the UAS College of Education program be able to continue its successful program. We need teachers, especially in our rural locations, and UAS has the best track record of providing successful teachers for filling this need.
If the decision for the lead placement of the College of Education is based on budgetary constraints, UAS is the reasonable choice with its efficient, low-overhead program already in place. Their many existing local, regional and state partnerships make it stand out as the economically strong selection with options for distance delivery, crucial work with Sealaska Heritage Institute, and optimal workings with Juneau School District.
Foremost, it is my hope that this decision is based on the impact it has on potential student learning. High turnover of teachers negatively affects student learning and those who have repeated turnovers year after year experience the greatest need. UAS has a history of producing the greatest number of effective teachers who desire to remain in Alaskan communities. These UAS alumni provide stability to school staffing selections, creating school experiences for students that result in higher student learning. The College of Education at UAS collaborates with partners to best meet the needs of supplying effective teachers for students across Alaska.
In consideration of existing successful partnerships, lowest-cost budget and greatest pipeline of high-quality teacher applicants critical for student learning, I ask all to support UAS as the lead university for the College of Education.
Amy Jo Meiners
2016 Alaska Teacher of the Year