By Nona Dimond
As the election loomed closer, candidate forums and news articles revealed more about the folks vying for the three available seats on the Juneau School Board; like many I found myself scratching my head on who would be the third person I would vote for. Many of my friends joked about writing in a variety of our civic-minded acquaintances, who politely begged them not to do so. Many of us however kept coming back to the most civic-minded, community-engaged, and political policy-intelligent person we knew, Will Muldoon.
I have had the pleasure of knowing Muldoon as a friend and working with him on several political campaigns, but often I am turning to him for answers on policy questions, summaries of Legislative votes, overviews and takes on City Assembly meetings, and anything that requires a knowledge of data comparison. While having someone who is so data-driven could be seen as a disservice to a board, Muldoon is also an incredibly pragmatic, compassionate, and community minded person.
His time of being an active City and Borough of Juneau board member and the current chair of the aquatics board will be a great boon to the Juneau School Board for his working knowledge of boards and how they should run. I believe his thorough understanding of Mason and Robert’s rules will be incredibly beneficial to him hitting the ground running for the Juneau School Board. Outside of these more board driven assets, Muldoon has demonstrated an understanding of the need for level-headed decision making for out Juneau School children when it comes to their safety and all-around well-being for their success in the Juneau School District.
As a last point, I like to tell people how much both my kids and my dogs adore Muldoon, and in a world filled with so much turmoil and hatred, this seems like a great endorsement to me. I am writing in Will Muldoon for the Juneau School Board, and I hope you will consider doing so as well.
• Nona Dimond resides in Juneau.