
Bosses, pull back curtain on pay gap for women

The gender gap is a credibility gap.That’s the real reason why few women make it to top leadership, at companies, nonprofits and just about anywhere… Continue reading

  • Oct 9, 2015

My Turn: Responsibility for abandoned and derelict vessels in Alaska

By now, most of us in Juneau know that we have a sunken 96-foot tugboat in Gastineau Channel across from the yacht club. During a… Continue reading

  • Oct 8, 2015

My Turn: Silverbow Bakery

In 1997 when Jill and I moved into the Silverbow building, we were young and hopeful and ambitious for our dream. Bringing real New York… Continue reading

  • Oct 8, 2015

Empire Editorial: To boost voter turnout, Juneau should look to online elections

On Tuesday night, too few Juneauites went to the polls.In Wednesday’s Empire, we published a My Turn from a group of young Alaskans backing a… Continue reading

  • Oct 8, 2015

Alaska editorial: Arctic Energy Summit hosted circumpolar nations for issues discussion

This editorial originally appeared in the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner:Representatives of eight nations gathered in Fairbanks to discuss issues of energy in the Arctic last week.… Continue reading

  • Oct 7, 2015

My Turn: Alaskan are going to have to fight for it

The ongoing state budget fight is totally incomplete if it ignores the revenue side. The Legislature blaming Alaskans for most of the problem clearly omits… Continue reading

  • Oct 7, 2015
  • By Anselm Staack

My Turn: Young Alaska in support of the PFD Voter Initiative

We live in the digital age. With a few clicks of the mouse or finger taps on a smartphone we have access to a wealth… Continue reading

  • Oct 7, 2015

My Turn: UAF to host Arctic summit in 2016

When warmer temperatures and daylight returns this spring, it will also bring nearly 1,000 scientists, policy makers, technical experts, educators and other Arctic authorities from… Continue reading

  • Oct 6, 2015

Alaska Editorial: Forest management

This editorial originally appeared in the Ketchikan Daily News: Rep. Don Young, R-Alaska, made an interesting point about the U.S. Forest Service last week during… Continue reading

  • Oct 6, 2015

My Turn: BC Mines and the Taku watershed

In August, when British Columbia Minister of Energy and Mines Bill Bennett first laid eyes on the metals-laden acidic waste that’s been flowing from the… Continue reading

  • Oct 6, 2015

My Turn: The Alexander Archipelago Wolf

Is “The Alexander Archipelago Wolf” a rare threatened species? No! It doesn’t exist!“Cry Wolf” is simply a part of the ongoing preservationist’s campaign to eliminate… Continue reading

  • Oct 5, 2015

My Turn: Reasons to be excited for ski season

As snow begins to fall across the Last Frontier, Juneauites turn their thoughts to what is happening up at Eaglecrest. Of course, any exercise in… Continue reading

  • Oct 4, 2015
  • By Ben Brown

My Turn: Pope Francis’ trip delivers a dividend for all

As an Alaskan already spending my Permanent Fund Dividend check and as someone “wowed” by Pope Francis’ blunt talk on immigration, social justice, poverty and… Continue reading

  • Oct 4, 2015
  • By Kate Troll

Empire Editorial: On Election Day, these candidates deserve your vote

It was just a few weeks ago when this newspaper made a plea for Juneauites to step forward and run for municipal office. In case… Continue reading

  • Oct 4, 2015

My Turn: Healing the collective trauma of 9/11

I completely disagree with everything stated in the Juneau Empire’s Sept. 24 editorial “Reckless endangerment.” I found its tone extremely troubling and think the claims… Continue reading

  • Oct 2, 2015
  • By Rich Moniak

My Turn: Candidate questions to consider

Looking toward our city elections next Tuesday, Oct. 6, here are questions you might ask yourself while weighing your choices of candidates. Regardless of your… Continue reading

  • Oct 1, 2015

My Turn: Terrified migrants – the crucible of our experiment in democracy

The Juneau Empire editorial “Reckless Endangerment” opens positive possibilities for grasping the underlying human meaning of our beloved “American Dream.” An added plus from this… Continue reading

  • Oct 1, 2015

Alaska Editorial: Slaughter of two dozen animals for ivory a callous, cowardly act

The following editorial first appeared in the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner:An apparent slaughter of more than two dozen walruses on Alaska’s northwest coast last week was… Continue reading

  • Sep 30, 2015

My Turn: Will Alaska cash in on its natural gas?

A recent Brookings Institution policy brief explored the impact that a cumbersome, and perhaps unpredictable regulatory environment coupled with massive capital investments, could have on… Continue reading

  • Sep 30, 2015

My Turn: Seward’s statue, scars and all

Kudos to the William H. Seward commemorative statue committee for a decision they made recently, concerning the statue they are commissioning to celebrate the upcoming… Continue reading

  • Sep 29, 2015