Ballot Measure 2 will go a long way toward making our government serve the people…
Our voice and vote is the future, and that future feels bright.
Closing state-operated DMV offices hurts seniors, disable people and people with lower incomes.
Doing away with it treats only a symptom of partisan dysfunction. And now is the wrong time.
What if the Recall Dunleavy group has no intention of forcing a special election?
COVID-19 has limited travel, so here are some stories from the past.
In my view, the most fundamental measure of a society is how we treat each other…
The events of Jan. 6 represent the failure of constitutional and civic education at all levels
Why the governor’s cure-all for the state’s chronic budget deficit will run into a brick wall. Again.
“We the people…” are late with this. It is time, now, to get started.
In my case, I needed treatment for my treatment.
Young people care about protecting our environment and mitigating the impacts of a changing climate.
“Our leaders remind me of children building a sand castle on the beach.”
It’s only with dignity and respect for one another that we can work through our disagreements…
The focus of the Alaska Marine Highway System Reshaping Work Group was too narrow
Alaskans can be confident the public will still be able to visit and observe their Legislature.
After much vulgar brutalization, it’s time to reinvigorate the principles of the Fairness Doctrine…
We residents of the Owner State own the copper and gold in Pebble. Under existing law, we will not be properly paid for the copper… Continue reading
Perhaps the new administration will guide the path to making America more gracious again.