Today as I write this article (on Aug. 1), I reflect on the significance of it being Earth Overshoot Day. That is, we humans have… Continue reading
The U.S. Forest Service on Thursday announced an agreement with the State of Alaska that may lead to more development in the Tongass National Forest.… Continue reading
We need a governor who is foursquare in support of a woman’s right to choose.
Generations of Alaska Native people have revered salmon for its life-sustaining properties and role in the growth and survival of our communities. To say that… Continue reading
Like the breakup of a marriage, there are two sides to this story.
The Save Our Seas Act isn’t really an act at all.
“Our oceans are our lifeblood,” U.S. Sen Dan. Sullivan, R-Alaska, wrote in a recent My Turn. “It’s imperative that they remain sustainable.” I felt a… Continue reading
A new pre-kindergarten program for Juneau youth is still in the works, but funding the program may be up to voters this October. The City… Continue reading
The economic health of our Southeast communities is vital not only for our citizens who live here, but for our whole state.
A new pre-kindergarten program for Juneau youth is still in the works, but funding the program may be up to voters this October. The City… Continue reading
Propaganda is, by definition, information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.… Continue reading
Propaganda is, by definition, information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.… Continue reading
Whenever I return to Southeast Alaska, I’m always filled with a renewed sense of optimism and awe for our state. Our beautiful landscapes draw tourists… Continue reading
The indigenous communities of Alaska have been living with these plants and this land for millenia.
I grew up here in Southeast Alaska with a childhood full of blueberries, huckleberries, high-bush cranberries, salmon berries, spruce-tip jelly, sea lettuce and beautiful wild… Continue reading
For far too long, Alaska relied on a corrections and prisoner-rehabilitation approach that was unsustainable.
A generation ago, Alaska’s leaders made a once-in-a-lifetime decision that set our state on a unique course. To some, the new wealth flowing through Alaska’s… Continue reading
For far too long, Alaska relied on a corrections and prisoner-rehabilitation approach that was unsustainable. This was evidenced by swelling prison rolls and alarming rates… Continue reading
A generation ago, Alaska’s leaders made a once-in-a-lifetime decision that set our state on a unique course. To some, the new wealth flowing through Alaska’s… Continue reading
Alaska’s support for the National Park Service’s recently proposed amendments to hunting and trapping practices on national preserves in Alaska is not about trophies. It… Continue reading