The Juneau-Douglas High School: Kalé softball team will hold an alumni game with former players Sunday afternoon at Melvin Park.
“I know we have at least 20 players, so enough for two teams,” said coach Alexandra Razor in a phone interview. “I’m hoping we get a couple hundred people coming, there’s a lot of families that want to watch.”
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advise staying at least six feet away from people from other residences when at a park. CDC reccomends that people should not visit parks in which it is impossible to maintain social distancing, and that people who feel sick should stay home.
Razor said she hopes people will take advantage of plentiful space to distance from each other.
“We have a grandstand where there’s space. A lot of times people will sit on the hill or in the outfield with lawn chairs.We can’t really mandate masks, but we will provide sanitizer,” Razor said. “With spectators, we’re encouraging that they follow the six foot rule and wear masks if they’re comfortable. Everybody working the event will be wearing masks.”
Razor said that they’ll be observing as many preventative measures as possible for the game. Sanitizer will be available.
“I’m guessing we’re gonna take the same precautions we do in slow pitch,” Good said. “People should come if they can since it’s a fundraiser for the HS and the program.”
The admission for the game will raise money for JDHS’ softball team, helping them to buy new equipment and pay for travel. Razor said she hopes to have a concession stand as well. Razor said she’s hoping to make the alumni game into a tradition.
“I’m trying to make it one, but we’ll see. We’ve been trying to do it for a while,” Razor said. “We’ve got people playing from this year all the way back to ‘94.”
While Juneau has a slow-pitch league, the game will be played fast pitch.
State reports 50 new COVID-19 cases
“I am excited to play,” said Sami Good, a 2017 JDHS grad and current Oregon State University student who’s playing Sunday. “I haven’t played fast pitch in a while.”
Razor said she hopes it’ll be a good time.
“We usually don’t do anything for the summer,” Razor said. “It’s fun for parents and families in the community.”
• Contact reporter Michael S. Lockett at 757.621.1197 or
Know and Go
Admission to the match, which will support the JDHS softball team, is $10. The game begins at 5 p.m. on Sunday.
Additionally, any other JDHS softball alumni are welcome to play in the match, Razor said.
“If people are still interested in playing, they can come to the field at 4 and sign up,” Razor said. “There’s players that have played for a long time that are coming back, some that were big names in Juneau. Some of the top players from previous years are coming.”