Most organisms have one of two basic, genetically programmed life histories. Some can (potentially) reproduce several times during their lives; they are said to be… Continue reading
NOGAHABARA DUNES — From a molded seat of sand dug into the western rim of a 5-mile oval of desert, I’m looking out over a… Continue reading
A school of a few dozen fish moved slowly through the teal water in front of the skiff. They maintained their trajectory and tolerated my… Continue reading
Cow parsnip is known in our field guides as Heracleum lanatum, although it sometimes has other names. The flowers are typically displayed in big, flattish… Continue reading
I recently learned about a mysterious, relatively rare affliction of plants called “fasciation.” A fireweed plant at the Point Bridget trailhead had not developed the… Continue reading
Anchorage pro Adam Hendrix remains Alaska’s most prominent poker player, but don’t sleep on Juneau stalwarts Jacob Thibodeau and Mario Fata, who have been cashing… Continue reading
Longtime Juneau resident returns to peak form after taking break from racing while raising kids.
To my left is a man with a thick British accent who piled a few forkfuls of eggs benedict onto the sourdough and ate it… Continue reading
From space, the Nogahabara Dunes are a splotch of blond sand about six miles in diameter surrounded by green boreal forest. Located west of the… Continue reading
The spring and summer flower show at Cowee Meadows (way out on the Point Bridget Trail) is always a treat, and the broad uplift meadows… Continue reading
During the telecasts of the 2024 Olympic trials commentators stated that around 1,000 athletes will be swimming in the competition and all but 52 will… Continue reading
Runners and walkers in madcap costumes fill downtown streets as race returns after six-year absence.
Recent long-term studies revealed a three-quarters reduction of insects in parts of Germany and an 80 percent decline of pollinating flies at a field site… Continue reading
Most birds build some sort of nest where the eggs are incubated. In many species, the female does that job, and in many others both… Continue reading
First-ever Juneau swimmer to compete in trials finishes 49th among 61 competitors Friday.
Our floatplane cleared the notch in the snowy ridge then turned slightly north as the mountain dropped below us. The pilot gave Mark, Matt and… Continue reading
TMHS graduate seeking to qualify in 100-meter butterfly at U.S. Olympic Team Trials.
Mid-June, and a few days ago we saw a wood duck with two tiny chicks on Moose Lake. Another female with two fluffy ones came… Continue reading
“You guys are the result of thousands of years of selection,” Fran Kohl said. “You haven’t scratched the surface of what you can do with… Continue reading
Dolly Parton-inspired fun run raises funds for free books for kids.