Juneau Empire welcomes letters and attempts to publish all those received, subject to a few guidelines.
- Letters should not exceed 250 words, and My Turn columns are limited to 700.
- Submissions must include
writer’s name;
phone number; and
a sentence identifying the writer’s credentials, including any jobs or affiliations pertinent to the discussion. - The Empire will edit submissions for length, clarity, grammar and libelous content.
- The newspaper does not publish copies of letters sent to third parties.
- It does not run petitions signed by multiple people on the opinion page; it runs opinion pieces by no more than two writers.
- The Empire prints as many letters as possible, but is unable to print all of them. Those that are printed represent the range of letters that are received.
- The Empire only publishes one letter or My Turn a month per writer. This ensures that no one monopolizes a discussion.
- The Empire does not accept letters or My Turns from those actively running for public office.
- The letters, My Turns, syndicated columns, cartoons and guest editorials do not represent the Empire’s views, but those of the writers, artists and newspapers that produced them.
- The Empire only publishes submitted content that is unique to the Empire and not submitted or published in other media outlets.
To read submitted letters, please visit https://www.juneauempire.com/letters/.
Juneau Empire
8800 Glacier Highway
Ste: 219
Juneau, AK 99801
Monday ‑ Friday, 8:00am ‑ 5:00pm