Ballot Measure 1

A male pink salmon fights its way up stream to spawn in a Southeast Alaska. (Michael Penn | Juneau Empire File)

Opinion: Ballot Measure 1 threatens our communities

This initiatives threatens jobs and the economy.


Chum salmon swim beneath the surface of Salmon Creek on Aug. 3, 2015. (Michael Penn | Juneau Empire File)

Opinion: Yes on 1: Alaska’s 56-year-old salmon protections need an updated

There are several reasons why the international mining and oil industries are happy with the 56-year-old statute salmon habitat protection statute AS.16.05.871-896, known as the… Continue reading


Opinion: Ballot Measure 1 is an ounce of prevention

Opinion: Ballot Measure 1 is an ounce of prevention

This is the season of pumpkins, skeletons, and frightening things in the closet. Maybe it’s why opponents of Ballot Measure 1 are using scare tactics… Continue reading


Opinion: Yes for salmon and jobs

Opinion: Yes for salmon and jobs

The parade of oil, mining and timber advocates and prominent politicians who decry Ballot Measure 1, the initiative that addresses salmon-producing freshwater habitat, is impressive… Continue reading

Opinion: Yes for salmon and jobs
A crane stands by for module and facility installation on the ConocoPhillips GMT-1 drilling pad. First oil from the project flowed on Oct. 5, and royalty revenue from the project could mean hundreds of millions in new funding for affected North Slope communities. (Courtesy Photo | Judy Patrick, ConocoPhillips)
A crane stands by for module and facility installation on the ConocoPhillips GMT-1 drilling pad. First oil from the project flowed on Oct. 5, and royalty revenue from the project could mean hundreds of millions in new funding for affected North Slope communities. (Courtesy Photo | Judy Patrick, ConocoPhillips)
Opinion: Stand for Extinction

Opinion: Stand for Extinction

Salmon were once abundant all over the world. Rivers and streams from Spain to Scandinavia were filled with them, as were Japan and Russia. North… Continue reading

Opinion: Stand for Extinction
Opinion: Begich’s positions belie believability

Opinion: Begich’s positions belie believability

Gubernatorial hopeful Mark Begich has strived to paint his candidacy and his priorities as the solution to revive our state economy. But many of his… Continue reading

Opinion: Begich’s positions belie believability
Opinion: What are we standing for?

Opinion: What are we standing for?

Can a person stand for Alaska and also stand for salmon? On Nov. 6, we have the opportunity to vote on Ballot Measure 1, also… Continue reading

Opinion: What are we standing for?
A king salmon during the 67th annual Golden North Salmon Derby at the Don D. Statter Memorial Boat Harbor in August 2013. (Michael Penn | Juneau Empire)

Analysis: How Ballot Measure 1 could affect everyday activities

This is the first of three articles the Empire looking at Ballot Measure 1’s legal language.

A king salmon during the 67th annual Golden North Salmon Derby at the Don D. Statter Memorial Boat Harbor in August 2013. (Michael Penn | Juneau Empire)
Juneau Empire file. (Michael Penn | Juneau Empire)
Juneau Empire file. (Michael Penn | Juneau Empire)
Chum salmon attempt to swim up Gold Creek as thousands more wait their turn on Monday, August 8, 2017. (Michael Penn | Juneau Empire File)

Opinion: Alaskans will not be fooled on Ballot Measure 1

Alaskans will vote on the Stand For Salmon initiative on Nov. 6. The opposition to this measure has used trickery, deception, exaggeration and now outright… Continue reading

Chum salmon attempt to swim up Gold Creek as thousands more wait their turn on Monday, August 8, 2017. (Michael Penn | Juneau Empire File)
Juneau Empire file. (Michael Penn | Juneau Empire)

Analysis: Minor permits under Ballot Measure 1

Ballot Measure 1, up for a vote during the statewide election Nov. 6, provides three tracks for development projects on salmon habitat in Alaska. Some… Continue reading

Juneau Empire file. (Michael Penn | Juneau Empire)
Seine boats wait in line to set their nets at Amalga Harbor in July. (Kevin Gullufsen | Juneau Empire)

West Coast fishermen back ballot measure

The largest commercial fishing trade organization on the West Coast announced Monday its support for Ballot Measure 1, which would change how the State of… Continue reading

Seine boats wait in line to set their nets at Amalga Harbor in July. (Kevin Gullufsen | Juneau Empire)
Opinion: Vote no on Ballot Measure 1

Opinion: Vote no on Ballot Measure 1

Alaska does not have a problem with salmon habitat in its streams and rivers.

Opinion: Vote no on Ballot Measure 1
Opinion: Ballot Measure 1 hurts rural residents and rural communities

Opinion: Ballot Measure 1 hurts rural residents and rural communities

Salmon have always been and will always be a vital part of our culture, history and way of life.

Opinion: Ballot Measure 1 hurts rural residents and rural communities
Opinion: Speak for the salmon

Opinion: Speak for the salmon

It is our turn now to speak to future Alaskans and speak for the salmon we hope to entrust to them.

Opinion: Speak for the salmon
Opinion: Fish can’t vote yes on Ballot Measure 1, but you can

Opinion: Fish can’t vote yes on Ballot Measure 1, but you can

Vote for the fish on Nov. 6 because they can’t vote for themselves. The foundation of our ecosystem and our economy is salmon. The seafood… Continue reading

Opinion: Fish can’t vote yes on Ballot Measure 1, but you can
A king salmon during the 67th annual Golden North Salmon Derby at the Don D. Statter Memorial Boat Harbor in August 2013. (Michael Penn | Juneau Empire)

Opinion: The unintended consequences of Ballot Measure 1

Ballot Measure 1 is a solution looking for a problem.

A king salmon during the 67th annual Golden North Salmon Derby at the Don D. Statter Memorial Boat Harbor in August 2013. (Michael Penn | Juneau Empire)
Opinion: Salmon should define us, not divide us

Opinion: Salmon should define us, not divide us

Why not vote on the side of our salmon?

Opinion: Salmon should define us, not divide us
A king salmon during the 67th annual Golden North Salmon Derby at the Don D. Statter Memorial Boat Harbor in August 2013. (Michael Penn | Juneau Empire)

Alaska scientists pen letter backing salmon measure

Former scientists and fisheries managers are taking sides over Ballot Measure 1.

A king salmon during the 67th annual Golden North Salmon Derby at the Don D. Statter Memorial Boat Harbor in August 2013. (Michael Penn | Juneau Empire)

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