Planning commission orders reconsideration.
Few attendees and no public input at online presentation of proposed $41.2m facility.
The Glory Hall plans to continue the fight to get permitted.
City budget approved by Finance Committee rejects mill rate increase, adds funds for social programs.
More taxes for thee, not me; more community projects for me, not thee among ’unsurprising’ results
Assembly considers items on its “decision list” as budget process moves along.
Record payments to residents OK’d by state Senate could cost city school bond debt reimbursement.
Further food for thought.
If you had $60 million to improve Juneau how would you spend it?
Allergies and flu also see uptick.
Assembly agrees to pay more than twice the estimated cost for Eaglecrest lift purchased in Austria.
Glory Hall funds put on hold, heating assistance and park improvements get the OK.
City’s investments return $4M less than predicted, but an extra $16M is coming from the state.
“A really tough, heavy-duty ambulance.”
More detailed discussion is expexted.
Ski area, hospital and airport factor into Finance Committee meeting.
A three-hour meeting saw only a handful of people offer testimony.
Concerns raised about “militarizing our police force.”
Assembly to take testimony on the budget on Monday.