That’s 35 total and the second new case in two days.
Governor’s mandate seems like enough for Assembly.
Cannabis industry donations are usually clandestine, but not this one.
Assembly also considering a local extension of state’s quarantine mandate
They got home, but it was pricey.
In two weeks, they’ve produced and shipped more than 6,000 of the specialized face masks.
State will provide tests for travelers
That’s back-to-back days.
“Projects will still go on. Services will still go on.”
Regents to meet next week.
Cost-saving and crowd-prevention will keep the statue quiet for now.
Doesn’t mean it won’t happen.
We’re entering a long phase, where we need to figure out collectively what the duration looks like.
Vote expected on Thursday.
Seniors prepare to enter a new world.
Juneau to receive $25 million in first payment.
Case announced as state reopens.
July 1 is the targeted date.
Districts will plan for how to safely continue education.