“It’s an honor to be accepted to participate in something this beautiful.”
Kids ages 1-5 showcase family-made clothing, accessories with links to widespread tribal ancestries.
New and longtime participants arriving in downtown Juneau say trip reconnects them to ancestors.
Group joins others from Southeast making long paddle to Juneau for biennial Indigenous event.
Thousands gather in Juneau for four-day Indigenous dance-and-culture festival starting Wednesday.
U.S. Navy and Coast Guard get into tug-of-war after destroyer arrives during record-size gathering.
A record 90+ vendors, music, search and rescue demonstration, harbor cruises among Saturday’s events.
Dozens toss caution and colored cornstarch to the wind in traditional Hindu celebration of spring
Traditional Hindu celebration expands with new events, venues in third year.
Popular JAHC event fills parking lot and interior.
Hundreds flocked to Elizabeth Peratrovich Plaza on the Saturday afternoon.