The Thanksgiving meal will go on, albeit in very modified form.
The structure will be a hub for many of Juneau’s community-oriented nonprofits.
Technical concerns delayed aspects of the project.
Flamingos, trunk-or-treating, and masks are all part of the holiday in pandemic.
‘A wonderful collaboration”
Updated travel mandate changes process.
At about 10:30 p.m., CCFR responded to a residential fire on the 8000 block of Thunder Street.
The future may not be a rosy one, but they plan to be ready for it.
Equipment rentals require prefitting with the supplier.
A good 2020 construction season will set the nonprofit up for a busy 2021.
Fewer passengers will be allowed in busses and vans.
The arrest came after a multi-organization investigation.
The annual August public affair exercise was canceled over coronavirus concerns.
Outbreak is less contained.
Elected official that is.
Mask now so businesses stay open later, they say.
24 new cases are linked to cluster.
The earthquake struck south of Sand Point, Alaska.