Wind gusts were up to 45 mph.
He wraps up 35-year career in June 2020.
Plans are still being made but taxes could be here by spring.
Will the city tax Amazon purchases?
A year after ending segregation, the Supreme Court denied Native Americans Fifth Amendment rights.
It was a quick trial, and the verdict is in.
Chief Mercer will serve another four year term on the board.
Tourism Task Force takes tourism to task.
Who’s a good dog? The SEADOGS, in this case.
It took less than an hour.
Roadless Rule gets ruthless
NOAA investigates vessels for possible negligence.
A one-stop shop for wellness.
Assembly members ranked 80 programs and projects.
Trust falls, flower themes and teamwork.
It paid $7.5M to Tlingit and Haida.
Southeast is OK, but the state’s public defenders are in rough seas.
Patients are in stable condition.