As of July 1 monthly permits at both parking sites will cost $70 and annual permits $770.
Development furthers Juneau’s already perilous pet care shortage.
‘You work the hand your dealt with.’
Hagevig served two terms on the Assembly, was one of 11 Alaskans to carry the Olympic Torch in ‘96.
“Mid-range” forecast shows over 1,000-student reduction by 2032.
A deficit is projected, additional federal funds are not.
“People, not government,” was the prevailing sentiment.
A suspect was taken into custody, and no injuries have been reported.
City eyes an initial defecit.
It’s almost opening day for the cubs.
The nearly half-century old festival is back in person.
Owner says pending closure is due to health rather than economic reasons.
Residents ask questions about expansion plans during webinar.
District hopes to continue to offer free breakfast, “reasonably priced” lunches.
The fundraiser for UNICEF’s Ukraine mission was a huge success, said organizers.
Eased restrictions streamlined the production, but the release event will still be online.
Users won’t notice any difference.