The jury of one’s peers is deliberating the defendant’s guilt.
Both the boys and girls have a heavy week and weekend ahead.
Local composer writes song about climate change
With both prosecution and defense done bringing witnesses, the trial is entering its final stages.
City remains committed to electrifying its fleet.
He allegedly shot both passersby and other vehicles on the road.
The defense will now bring forth its witnesses.
Considerable avalanche danger.
Riverbend students start school at Chapel by the Lake
A hard rain is gonna (continue to) fall.
Cautious optimism reigns, but operators say it’s too early to tell.
The borough mayor notified local officials in an email Thursday
The jury watched video of the defendant’s initial interview in custody.
Two expert witnesses and an investigator testified on a busy Thursday of the trial.
Juneau Nordic Ski Club offers fun and learning
His testimony continues from Tuesday.
A Yakutat police officer and Alaska State Trooper testified Tuesday.
Contracts were signed this January for several winter runs to Southeast communities.
Donation centers contend with COVID, weather and other disruptions as they work to stock hospitals.