One whale was pregnant at the time of death, according to NOAA.
13-knot speed limit intended to reduce vessel strikes in effect until further notice.
Correction: This article has been updated to clarify that Daniels was not trolling when the incident occurred. A Southeast Alaska fisherman has agreed to plead… Continue reading
NOAA wants people online to name Eastern North Pacific right whale spotted in September.
Over the last three decades, 37 killer whales were entangled in fishing gear in Alaska, which resulted in 25 deaths, according to a new report… Continue reading
Rescue follows the loss of a whale calf to a vessel strike in August
There was a time when Christine Gabriele wondered if she’d ever see one of her favorite creatures again. That 42-year-old female humpback whale — known… Continue reading
Body of young male named “Tango” found near Hump Island with injuries.
Third whale snared in fishing gear this month freed; two whales also reportedly injured by vessels
Local operators and industry officials create committee to address impacts, potential limits.
The most recent count put the population at 16,650 whales — down 38% from its peak in 2015-16.
NOAA encourages public to call 24-hour hotline.
The animal with a long history in the area has been necropsied.
Within their perished bodies, whales may contain secrets to their species.
Nearly 20 people braved choppy seas and foul weather to free the snared whale
The unlikely crash does not appear to have seriously hurt any whales
Cost-saving and crowd-prevention will keep the statue quiet for now.