Submit a My Turn or Letter to the Editor

Juneau Empire welcomes letters and attempts to publish all those received, subject to a few guidelines.

  1. Letters should not exceed 250 words, and My Turn columns are limited to 700.
  2. Submissions must include

    writer’s name;
    phone number; and
    a sentence identifying the writer’s credentials, including any jobs or affiliations pertinent to the discussion.

  3. The Empire will edit submissions for length, clarity, grammar and libelous content.
  4. The newspaper does not publish copies of letters sent to third parties.
  5. It does not run petitions signed by multiple people on the opinion page; it runs opinion pieces by no more than two writers.
  6. The Empire prints as many letters as possible, but is unable to print all of them. Those that are printed represent the range of letters that are received.
  7. The Empire only publishes one letter or My Turn a month per writer. This ensures that no one monopolizes a discussion.
  8. The Empire does not accept letters or My Turns from those actively running for public office.
  9. The letters, My Turns, syndicated columns, cartoons and guest editorials do not represent the Empire’s views, but those of the writers, artists and newspapers that produced them.
  10. The Empire only publishes submitted content that is unique to the Empire and not submitted or published in other media outlets.

To read submitted letters, please visit

Juneau Empire

8800 Glacier Highway
Ste: 219
Juneau, AK 99801

 Monday ‑ Friday, 8:00am ‑ 5:00pm



Email Us

My Turns and Letters also can be emailed to

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